What Monument Retirement & Wealth Advisory Has to Offer You.
We believe that your base income should be deposited in your account no matter what. It should not matter what the markets do, or do not do. You should always be able to count on your income, every month, regardless of any external factors. Social Security planning often represents a significant addition to your overall retirement income plan. How do you best integrate social security claiming strategies with your portfolio income? We help you every step of the way. At Monument Retirement & Wealth Advisory, we will never tell you to reduce your income or change your lifestyle because the markets had a bad year.
Retirees consistently waste thousands of dollars every year to unnecessary taxation. We help you keep those dollars in your pocket rather than handing them over to the IRS. We recognize that your retirement funds (IRA, 401k, 403b, etc) represent your number on tax challenge, often leading to double taxation during your retirement years. We utilize a number of proven, powerful strategies to significantly reduce your tax burden on your highest taxed asset – your retirement plan.
Our job is to protect your financial security regardless of market conditions. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your growth opportunities. We utilize a conservative management approach that protects your principal while still taking advantage of the market swings, both good and bad. We protect what you have and build on it!
At Monument Retirement & Wealth Advisory, we use our knowledge and experience to simplify the planning process. Often, the hardest part of the process is simply picking up the phone and making an appointment. Contact us at 972-422-9145 to schedule your no-obligation consultation today!
We are an independent financial services firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of investment and insurance products to custom suit their needs and objectives.